Creating and Updating Records with Next.js and Prisma

2 min readApr 29, 2024


In this blog post, we will explore how to create and update records using Next.js and Prisma. We will cover the process of setting up the necessary API routes and implementing the functionality to add and edit records in a simple todo application.

Setting Up API Routes

To begin, we need to create the API routes that will handle the creation and updating of records. In Next.js, API routes are stored in the “pages/api” folder. We will create a file named “todos.js” to handle our todo-related operations.

Inside the “todos.js” file, we will define the necessary routes for creating, updating, and deleting todos. For example, when we hit the “/api/todos” URL, it will be handled by the “index.js” file in the “todos” folder.

By default, if we don’t specify the method name in the URL, it will be treated as a GET request. For other operations like create, update, and delete, we need to set the appropriate method.

Creating a New Todo

When creating a new todo, we will make a POST request to the “/api/todos” route. Inside the corresponding route handler, we will retrieve the form data and perform the necessary actions to create a new record in the database.

First, we will check if the request is for creating a new todo. If it is, we will extract the todo object from the form data and use it to make a POST request to the Prisma Todos table. We will also reset the form to clear the input fields.

Updating an Existing Todo

To update an existing todo, we will make a PUT request to the “/api/todos” route, passing the todo ID as a parameter. Inside the route handler, we will retrieve the form data and update the corresponding record in the database using the ID.

Similar to the create operation, we will check if the request is for updating a todo. If it is, we will extract the todo object from the form data and use it to make a PUT request to the Prisma Todos table. We will also reset the form to clear the input fields.

Deleting a Todo

Deleting a todo is a straightforward operation. We will make a DELETE request to the “/api/todos” route, passing the todo ID as a parameter. Inside the route handler, we will convert the ID to a number and use it to delete the corresponding record from the database.


In this blog post, we learned how to create and update records using Next.js and Prisma. We explored the process of setting up the necessary API routes and implementing the functionality to add and edit records in a simple todo application.

By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you can easily create a robust CRUD system using Next.js and Prisma. Feel free to check out the code in the BitBucket repository linked in the comments section of this video.

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I am a Software Engineer and YouTube Content Creator, from Dallas Texas